How is Artificial Intelligence leading in Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is everywhere, from social media to digital billboards. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help us understand customer behavior and their search patterns. Based on this input, it can suggest products that customers may need or like. It can also personalize content based on customer’s access patterns.

Let’s see how AI is changing the landscape of Digital Marketing –


Sentiment analysis

A marketer needs to understand user’s sentiments about their company, brand, and products. These sentiments can be captured by what people are saying on social media or other platforms. AI’s natural language processing (NLP) enabled platforms can process the high volume of unstructured data and find negative or positive mentions. This sentiment analysis becomes an input to continuous improvement for marketers. Sentiment analysis also helps to reach the potential customers who are interested in a particular product. In this case, companies need to ensure that their brand or product frequently comes before their eyes and catches their eyeballs.


Customer Support using Chatbots

Customers want a quick response to their queries. They do not want to long waiting queue for speaking to the customer care executing. Chatbots are a great solution to this solution. Many companies have added Chatbots to their social media accounts and on their websites. Chatbots use AI to interact with customers. These use natural language processing (NLP) to understand customer’s queries. They respond similarly to a human. Customers are more satisfied with reduced time in resolving their queries. These are available 24X7. These Chatbots are helping in conversation marketing and increasing the company’s sales. They work on a feedback-based model for high engagement and recommend products to the customers as per their needs.


Voice Search

AI has empowered voice-based search devices like Google Home, Alexa, Siri. These devices can recognize speech and best equipped to show personalized results. People are now searching more via voice. Hence marketers are now optimizing their content for voice search engines.



Personalization is becoming more important these days. Customers are 80% more likely to purchase the product of the company having personalized interaction. Amazon and Netflix are great examples of companies that are providing customer-centric services by using artificial intelligence. Ecommerce websites are showing similar products which you like or purchased in the past on their home page. Customer behavior-driven personalized email messages are 3x times more likely to result in sales.


Digital advertising and Product Recommendation

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google use AI for advertising and product recommendation. These platforms utilize user’s information like their age, gender, city, and interests, and past behavior to predict and show relevant advertising content. It increases the performance of your ads. They can also analyze which ads are getting the most customer attention by engagement. Companies can dynamically purchase ads based on their budget and show them to the targeted audience.

Artificial intelligence is becoming a great tool in digital marketing. New AI algorithms are giving more accurate predictions and providing exceptional results. Hence it has become the ultimate choice for marketers. It is opening new doors of opportunity every day.